Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It pains me to look at me
It wakes me to understand
I wish to love that part of me which is rotten, that part of me which is sick
I search to discover a broken soul
A broken sole
A broken spirit
A broken secret
A kiss made--not given, taken or blamed
How does one gain?
A love that needs 1
A love that needs no one
This love knocks
Waits no more
I turn to open the door
Fall into sores to soar
Broken yet reborn 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Intoxicating is the power you hold
Over and under
My feelings you stole
Do you know how less cold it would be, if you were to share this world with me?
I figured it out--at least 1/2 of it no doubt
Just when I concluded my dreams meant nothing
Neptune with open arms hugged me without bluffing
I saw it as you and felt the harmony of your heart wash away my blues
Passion like eating a ripe fruit, in mist of the hungry
Share me
Earth is the container that water fills
I'm Earth, Your Water
So fill
Tune into me with your whips, chains, security daggers, pretty ears, quiet heart
Long hearing
Lets play
A sensual chess game
I care 2 live on the highest mountain, sail above and beneath the deepest sea
Run barefoot on the greenest pasture, mold and lead a flock of sheep
Spend 1 night in the darkest cave then rise with the sun
I care 2 measure my height with the tallest tree
Look into nothing and say "Be!"
I invite you on this journey
I see you from the inside that's where you shine
I sense the steepest part of us hugging tonight
Feeding-receiving-giving-needing-pleading-heating-reading-bleeding-eating-seeing-beating-freeing-whipping-leaving--bruise tar scar dark
Hollow rain
Soft black mystery chain
Swinging Breeze
Singing hard wood melancholy birds 4 friends
Clothes torn-light scorn-mud drip-soft lips
I swim in the shadow of a naked lake
My clothes you take, tear and post as bait
Your gravitational pull is splitting me open
You spray thoughts in me that burn like salt on a wound
A pleasingly displeasing masterful art of torture
Even through the distance it feels good
I'm fr agilely armoring up my insides to say
I've never felt this way
The every part of me you've reached
Carve your ab originality inside of me
Lurk your needs within my womb
Waiver this world's injustice
Use me to deliver your verdict
Play with my sensibility
Rock me in care
Every part of you I wish to wear
Tuning into your heartbeat like a smooth snare
Watching you with my eyes closed
I'm needing you through these fine clothes

Thursday, September 27, 2012

When I have no words yet I speak, I come to find the depths of me..

I was my purest in my mother's womb, so happy with such little room

I'm stuck in a cage
A bird with shark teeth
A bus with no wheels
A tear that never falls
into nothing.
A smile wide as your eye
A heart soft as spoiled butter
I want to get away
Pick my feet up and tell them to go
I just want to go
I want to speak the language of a black bird
I want to land on air
I want to feel light
I want to see shine
And meet time
I want to come out of my mother's womb again
I want to cry that first cry
I just want to come out
I just want to go
I want to get away
From you pain
Drenched in your rain
Stars have been loyal
They find me in the dark
I look up to find their start
They laugh in numbers
My breath trails their ray
I try to follow & fall on my face
Pick my feet up and tell them to go
They move but they move slow
With reason
naturally ...
I just want to go
Speak the language of a black bird
Land on air
Feel light
See shine
Meet time
Come out of my mother's womb again
And cry that first cry


Sunday, May 6, 2012


How does one oppose strain
My tongue rests--doesn't know what to say
Reaching has been strenuous
Sight is shattered
Logic seems ambiguous
No right nor wrong
Oh, to remain calm this long
What part of your off can I turn on
Clouds up there keep us apart
My heart then rests alone in the dark
There light becomes a mere illusion
Heard and felt in caves of confusion
Hurt surpassing the Great Wall
Scratches a pit within my heart
Shedding a pride dark as pain
I shut my eyes and there you lay
Light shines
Rain flows
Touch more
No sores
There I drift
On a sorrow splintered board
That often shifts
In your mist
Air becomes breathtakingly missed
Imagine your vein ripped out of you whole
Your blood the same--running like water
To look in your eyes
Aches me in such a way
A portrait of possibility that just rushes me to wait
Pondering on words that may call you to play
I get through trying to pick a star in the day
So when it's night
I shut my eyes and there we lay
Light shines
Rain flows
Touch more
No sores
There I drift


Writing is the blanket that covers me when I'm cold
A place within where I find Allah and me whole
Parts of stories that go untold
It is here where acceptance begins to unfold
Where individuality lies between two likes--parallel in contrast
In this time birds and colors become delightful to see
Vodou, Santeria, Horus, Candomble, Osiris,Obeah, even Isis
                                To me...
Channel a language not spoken frequently
As though I hear them say they miss me
Like the aroma flying from a slow burning in scent
Soothingly sweet
A painting of liberation brushed from desert to sea
At a steep price of absolutely free
Our legs can travel any place abroad
Out our minds, in our spirits, our likeness in him tall
Lost with a cause--Am I
Falling into restricted space
Jolting at no safe pace
Looking to anything like breath that means Moor
A symbol of affection heeds to open a door
Connected to a vibe filled patent floor
Flows inward a need to walk run and run some more
Darkness named infinite cared to map this road
On it I walk, run and run some more

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Coming To America

"... they would go down to the shore looking for that ship to take them back home to their native land and people"  

   At the primitive age of three, I was thrown into a seemingly chaotic world. A globe with a class of people I had never encountered. I saw my first Caucasian traveling from my native country Africa and it terrified my young soul. My mother and I bounced from London, New York and our final destination California. My mother laughing hysterically recalls how I was  taken back by this new culture of people; I had a specific name for them in our language “bamboolah” in Amharic and "Ashanguleet" in Tigrinya, which meant doll or strange looking thing. I refused to believe at the tender age of three that any other race besides my own, Black, was dominant. In Arabic I would cry to my mother and say, "Numshe Fog! Numshe Fog!" ** ("We came from the sky, so use the same sky to take me back!"). This was the introduction to my first educational course in America.

**Butchered Arabic translation

Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Soft Place

I see great moments
Us laughing--fleeting imperfections
Laying on the sand
Feeling my heart in each palm of your hand
Holding on to a beat
Rhythm's in tune
I see great moments with you
Curls on my head, in the quickness of there spring
As the clarity in water, I would tell you what I dream--1 look
Oughta give you chills--even in a desert storm
Forever just seems soon
When I think of a Love pure and true
Hungry distance couldn't measure
This padlocked buried treasure
Ruckus falls out of me when I look into you
You make art come easy
And its expression custom made
I remember to pray--that this extension of you never fades

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I Cherish The Day ...

Like the wide body of water
With depths illuminating fascination
     These Are ...
My thoughts of your whole being
Quiet like the Sun
Flows out of me new vision
A force less sign in the sigh of remission 
     This Is ...
What enters my soul at the slight sight of you
Your smile brightens doubt
Killing any negative thought in mounds
     Amazing Is the power of invisible attraction
    This Energy so pure
   Without ? has been my cure
I'd push the largest mountain to make room for you
Empty the grazing river to make way for you
     Air to my lungs
     Sight to my vision
    Words to my ears
    Scent to my senses
    Rule to my thinking
   Absence of my sin
A mirror of conviction behind the word love
Surpassing the greatness once seen in a dove
   The Ground you walk on doesn't move or shift
   My Heart imitates the certainty in this
The hardest part in me to see
Wills to show you how deep love can be


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life is Precious

What it brings, gives ... takes
Surely it cannot be forsaken
Gods Love is to abundant
     A water fall of Joy and Peace
     May it increase
In each ladder of heartache and bliss
Here I lay
As defenseless as a cricket chirping in the midnight hour
Concluding conscious and unconscious decisions
How sweet the mist of the air can be
     How lucky are we?
     To be Free
In thought and in voice
To withhold is your choice