Intoxicating is the power you hold
Over and under
My feelings you stole
Do you know how less cold it would be, if you were to share this world with me?
I figured it out--at least 1/2 of it no doubt
Just when I concluded my dreams meant nothing
Neptune with open arms hugged me without bluffing
I saw it as you and felt the harmony of your heart wash away my blues
Passion like eating a ripe fruit, in mist of the hungry
Share me
Earth is the container that water fills
I'm Earth, Your Water
So fill
Tune into me with your whips, chains, security daggers, pretty ears, quiet heart
Long hearing
Lets play
A sensual chess game
I care 2 live on the highest mountain, sail above and beneath the deepest sea
Run barefoot on the greenest pasture, mold and lead a flock of sheep
Spend 1 night in the darkest cave then rise with the sun
I care 2 measure my height with the tallest tree
Look into nothing and say "Be!"
I invite you on this journey
I see you from the inside that's where you shine
I sense the steepest part of us hugging tonight
Feeding-receiving-giving-needing-pleading-heating-reading-bleeding-eating-seeing-beating-freeing-whipping-leaving--bruise tar scar dark
Hollow rain
Soft black mystery chain
Swinging Breeze
Singing hard wood melancholy birds 4 friends
Clothes torn-light scorn-mud drip-soft lips
I swim in the shadow of a naked lake
My clothes you take, tear and post as bait
Your gravitational pull is splitting me open
You spray thoughts in me that burn like salt on a wound
A pleasingly displeasing masterful art of torture
Even through the distance it feels good
I'm fr agilely armoring up my insides to say
I've never felt this way
The every part of me you've reached
Carve your ab originality inside of me
Lurk your needs within my womb
Waiver this world's injustice
Use me to deliver your verdict
Play with my sensibility
Rock me in care
Every part of you I wish to wear
Tuning into your heartbeat like a smooth snare
Watching you with my eyes closed
I'm needing you through these fine clothes