Sunday, May 6, 2012


How does one oppose strain
My tongue rests--doesn't know what to say
Reaching has been strenuous
Sight is shattered
Logic seems ambiguous
No right nor wrong
Oh, to remain calm this long
What part of your off can I turn on
Clouds up there keep us apart
My heart then rests alone in the dark
There light becomes a mere illusion
Heard and felt in caves of confusion
Hurt surpassing the Great Wall
Scratches a pit within my heart
Shedding a pride dark as pain
I shut my eyes and there you lay
Light shines
Rain flows
Touch more
No sores
There I drift
On a sorrow splintered board
That often shifts
In your mist
Air becomes breathtakingly missed
Imagine your vein ripped out of you whole
Your blood the same--running like water
To look in your eyes
Aches me in such a way
A portrait of possibility that just rushes me to wait
Pondering on words that may call you to play
I get through trying to pick a star in the day
So when it's night
I shut my eyes and there we lay
Light shines
Rain flows
Touch more
No sores
There I drift


Writing is the blanket that covers me when I'm cold
A place within where I find Allah and me whole
Parts of stories that go untold
It is here where acceptance begins to unfold
Where individuality lies between two likes--parallel in contrast
In this time birds and colors become delightful to see
Vodou, Santeria, Horus, Candomble, Osiris,Obeah, even Isis
                                To me...
Channel a language not spoken frequently
As though I hear them say they miss me
Like the aroma flying from a slow burning in scent
Soothingly sweet
A painting of liberation brushed from desert to sea
At a steep price of absolutely free
Our legs can travel any place abroad
Out our minds, in our spirits, our likeness in him tall
Lost with a cause--Am I
Falling into restricted space
Jolting at no safe pace
Looking to anything like breath that means Moor
A symbol of affection heeds to open a door
Connected to a vibe filled patent floor
Flows inward a need to walk run and run some more
Darkness named infinite cared to map this road
On it I walk, run and run some more